Are you living with intention?

Are you living with intention?

Do you feel like you’re just plodding through life? Stuck in the same old routine? Perhaps you just don’t feel the same level of energy as you used to? If this sounds like you, you’re not alone! I hear this type of story from clients on a regular...
Creating a Flow of Abundance

Creating a Flow of Abundance

Have you ever wondered how certain things can easily come to you and then at times it seems as though nothing is showing up in your life? Did you know that there is a process to creating your life whether you are aware of it or not and it is called Alignment /...


What does it mean to Live, Love and Thrive? When you are connected to your life purpose, you will discover a life of love and joy. Many of us fill our time with activities that are not soul directed but with activities of the personality. We have been taught that...
How to Program Your Conscious Mind

How to Program Your Conscious Mind

You are probably familiar with how the subconscious mind sometimes sets out to sabotage the conscious mind. This is not to say that you have a split personality, but the subconscious does play a role in the human mind. A long time ago, the subconscious mind could have...